How can homeschool parents of High School children give them the education they need in the environment of their Home School?
For many, this is a challenging question, and it is answered in differing ways. Some rely heavily on books, some make use of the internet, others use satellite and DVD, and still others are involved
in co-ops. Most use a mixture of these methods, and are happy with the results. A significant number, however, find they are not completely satisfied with the mix of classroom time and home study
time. The more classroom time the children get, the more subjects they are able to master, but the less time the parents feel that they are actually home schooling. Contrarily, the parents sometimes
find it difficult to discipline themselves to teach all the subjects at home that they would like. There is an excellent solution available that provides enough classroom time to insure the students
are doing their assignments and explaining any difficulties that arise, but also focuses the vast majority of their school work time at home. It covers most of their high school subjects except for
math and science. The solution referred to is, of course, the class “World View Studies”. This four-year class only meets once a week for three hours, yet the student completes almost all high
school credits except for math and science. This is accomplished via all the work that the student is directed to complete at home as he/she fills out their syllabus. In fact, it is recommended that
the student spend about three hours per day in homework studies. The first year the student reads all of the Iliad,
the Odyssey, the Aeneid, Plato's Republic, the first part of Genesis, all of Job, the Gospels, Acts, Romans, D. A. Carson's How Long, O Lord?"(an excellent book on the Christian view of suffering), about 1/2 to 2/3 of Augustine's City of God, parts of Francis Scheffer's Trilogy and his Genesis in Space and Time, plus yet other works. The study of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle is included in the course content. Added to all this are the many papers the student is required to write - including those that compare Mars and Satan, God and Zeus, Augustus Caesar's claim to be the son of God vs Jesus Christ's claim, and many others. They also give speeches, participate in formal debates, and are trained in logic (the last item being accomplished by playing the class game "Propaganda", which all the students enjoy). These last items are not a part of the curriculum in the syllabus, but are added by the class itself. They students learn to identify the world view of the author they are reading by asking themselves 7 questions from the perspective of the writer: