World View Studies - Biblical High School for your Home School
World View Studies - Biblical High School for your Home School

Worldview Studies Presentation for 2024-5

Free pizza-n-presentation: WV/SP presentation on Sat, 3/9, 6:00pm at Wynn’s house in Grand Prairie.


Families interested in World View & Starting Points:


The next presentation of World View Studies (with free pizza) will be held on the above date, place, and time (also see details below). 


Dual credit for college.


Registration page if you are ready to enroll


Web page about this presentation.


I thought you might be interested in the comments one mom made concerning the classes.  She had 2 children in the classes.  One student started in World View Year 1, and the younger son started in Starting Points.  I asked her how she equated Starting Points with a typical co-op class.  I mentioned that we believe in traditional co-op classes, as we have had all our four children in such classes over the years.  She also has students in co-op classes so she’s in a position to make a good analysis.  Here is her response:


Co-op classes have their place, but when comparing them with SP or WV, your classes are much more time, quality and cost efficient. 


SP would compare to at least 8 co-op classes in a much more efficient set-up. One 3-hour class per week - no parent has to teach, clean a church or make multiple trips.  In addition the cohesiveness and plan of the curriculum allows much more to be accomplished in a single class, homework week and overall school year for one set pre-known class and curriculum fee.


Classes that it covers:  grammar, literature, essay writing, history, worldview (these are often taught as a separate class in a co-op setting), art and music appreciation and vocabulary (which helps with SAT prep).  Time constraints per class & lack of cohesiveness would make all of these classes being taken in a co-op setting at one time virtually impossible because the assignments would all be separate and not overlap.  Additionally, there would be no place for math, science, and foreign language.  My younger son is able to do math (at a slower pace) and is doing extremely well in Bob Jones Life Science and has time for phys ed and chess classes at co-op along with a study hall to work on WV.  Price-wise, it cost more than some co-ops, but significantly less than one I’m currently using and the curriculum costs are manageable when you include all that is involved.


I’ve only slightly edited the response for grammar and to replace a couple of names with something more generic.  She agreed to let me publish this.


To be really honest, I don’t market the Starting Point class as worth 8 co-op classes.  I would say it is at least worth three or four if not more.  However, I think her enthusiasm for the class shows you what someone who had students in the classes thinks about them.


Details of the presentation:


  • Date: Sat, Mar 9th
  • Free food: pizza
  • Time: 6:00pm
  • Location: Wynn’s house
  • Addr: 1204 Chancellorsville Parkway, Grand Prairie
  • RSVP to so I know how many to expect.
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Mark Woolsey, webmaster