World View Studies - Biblical High School for your Home School
World View Studies - Biblical High School for your Home School

 Dual Credit for Fall 2024

We are excited to partner with Christian Halls International (CHI) and Southeastern University of Florida (SEU) to offer dual credit as you take classes in Worldview Studies (WVS).


Each class is 3 hours of credit, costing $100/credit hour (that is, $300 per semester) on top of what you normally pay for high school credit.  This is a bargain.  All of these classes transfer to “normal” colleges and universities in Texas (TCC, UTA, UT, etc) as college credit.


While there is an extra tuition charge over and above the high school tuition, there is no extra work.  Your high school work will automatically apply to the college class.


Here are all the classes that we currently offer for dual credit in the program. NOTE: NOT ALL CLASSES LISTED BELOW ARE OFFERED AS DUAL CREDIT EACH SEMESTER.  Color codes indicate which we will offer this semester.  Green: Class is offered live and perhaps retroactive this semester.  Yellow: Class is only offered retroactive this semester.   Red: Supposedly offered, but I think there was a mistake in SEU’s listing.  No color: Class is offered at some point, but not this semester as dual credit.

Live: Class offered this semester in the normal way (in person or zoom).

Retroactive: Class can be applied as a credit if you took it in previous years and re-turn in required assignments:


In the future we will add more courses, but these are all we offer at the moment. 


How to enroll for Spring 2024:

  • New to Dual Credit program (NOTE THIS IS NOT AVAILBLE SPRING 2024):
    • DO THIS BY XXX, 2024: New students must enroll in the CHI dual credit program and register for classes with SEU for Fall B.  If that is you, use this link.  Existing CHI DC students ignore this step.  Once you do this the first semester you are in Dual Credit, you don't have to do it again each semester.  There are some boxes to fill out; here is some help:
      1. Box 3) Fall or Spring (whatever is appropriate)
      2. Box 2) Worldview Academy (Woolsey)
      3. Box 1) Dual Credit/SEU
    • Within a day or so, you will receive a link from CHI via email.  Click on it and fill it out.  Like step 1, once you do this the first semester you are Dual Credit, you don’t have to do it again each semester.  Here are helps in filling it out:
      1. Box 1: Dual Enrollment
      2. Box 2: The current semester 
      3. Box 3: Yes
      4. Box 4: Worldview Academy (Woolsey)
  • Already in Dual Credit program:
    •  DO THIS BY Jan 10, 2024: Existing CHI DC students: Actually register for classes with SEU with this link.
    • DO THIS BY Jan 16, 2023: If you want to drop a class without grade penalty, drop by this date.
  • Once you sign up for the actual classes, SEU will send you a follow-up email within a day or so to confirm your registration.  YOU MUST FILL THIS OUT OR SEU WILL DROP YOU FROM THE CLASSES.




Here is the video of a zoom call we had with Dr. Nick Ellis as he explained the benefit in detail and took questions and answers.


Eventually, we intend to offer an Associates of Arts for students who complete all four years within the World View Studies program.  


I was invited to speak at a panel discussion at the recent RenewED Summit held by Christian Halls.  Although the panel's discussion was not recorded, Dr Ellis' talks were.


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Mark Woolsey, webmaster